I had weight loss surgery in May of 2021


Oct 16, 2008
Years back I had posted a weight loss thread that got a number of replies and had a decent following. I got down to about 240 lbs then in my early 30s. At 6'3 I had been heavy since I hit my teenage years. Around 2015 I just slowly started gaining weight back. Working night shift, poor eating habits, body breaking down from sports/being heavy most of my life. Covid came around and I decided at my rate I was going to cut my life drastically short. I just knew I needed something to jump start my weight loss and help keep me active. In march of 2021 I reached out to a weight loss center and by May I was going under the knife. 2 days prior to my surgery my mom had her cancer surgery. So I was taking care of my mom and myself during this time. She under went Chemo/Radiation following surgery through the new year. My dad has a form of dementia and can't drive, so alot fell on my plate. Trying to make adjustments to my own changing body and helping my mother with everything she had going on. Fast forward to today, my mom has been in remission for months and I have settled into a very comfortable/active lifestyle. If anyone has considered this change and has questions or if its worth wild..... feel free to reach out to me.

367 lbs to 185 lbs


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Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
That’s great to see. I love stories like this. Has anyone really just stopped and looked around in a crowd and noticed how overweight a great majority of people are? We are such an unhealthy nation it’s a crisis. Our food supply is so tainted with chemicals, poisons, additives, it’s a wonder we are able to eat healthy at all. I’ve made tremendous changes in my diet but still far from being a health nut extremist. I lean more towards organic foods but even then you got to do a little research on organics to be sure you’re getting what you pay for. Just so much unhealthy shit at grocery stores any more. Great job Kidman on your new healthy active lifestyle. Stay with it and fight the odds. I remember seeing somewhere people who lose weight like this will gain it back within something like 3 to 7 years. Remain determined and embrace how good it feels to be in the shape you’re in. Kudos!

Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
That’s great to see. I love stories like this. Has anyone really just stopped and looked around in a crowd and noticed how overweight a great majority of people are? We are such an unhealthy nation it’s a crisis. Our food supply is so tainted with chemicals, poisons, additives, it’s a wonder we are able to eat healthy at all. I’ve made tremendous changes in my diet but still far from being a health nut extremist. I lean more towards organic foods but even then you got to do a little research on organics to be sure you’re getting what you pay for. Just so much unhealthy shit at grocery stores any more. Great job Kidman on your new healthy active lifestyle. Stay with it and fight the odds. I remember seeing somewhere people who lose weight like this will gain it back within something like 3 to 7 years. Remain determined and embrace how good it feels to be in the shape you’re in. Kudos!

Oct 28, 2021
Years back I had posted a weight loss thread that got a number of replies and had a decent following. I got down to about 240 lbs then in my early 30s. At 6'3 I had been heavy since I hit my teenage years. Around 2015 I just slowly started gaining weight back. Working night shift, poor eating habits, body breaking down from sports/being heavy most of my life. Covid came around and I decided at my rate I was going to cut my life drastically short. I just knew I needed something to jump start my weight loss and help keep me active. In march of 2021 I reached out to a weight loss center and by May I was going under the knife. 2 days prior to my surgery my mom had her cancer surgery. So I was taking care of my mom and myself during this time. She under went Chemo/Radiation following surgery through the new year. My dad has a form of dementia and can't drive, so alot fell on my plate. Trying to make adjustments to my own changing body and helping my mother with everything she had going on. Fast forward to today, my mom has been in remission for months and I have settled into a very comfortable/active lifestyle. If anyone has considered this change and has questions or if its worth wild..... feel free to reach out to me.

367 lbs to 185 lbs

WOW!! Look at you!! Congrats :+signs8-3

Oct 12, 2008
pretty cool what science/medicine can do, no? :) great at fixing stuff. No money in preventative medicine, as i've said numerous times. We are okay with poisoning our food supply, then to be spend monies in fixing consequent disease expression. Capitalism :), reap what we sow

kudos Kidman, Obesity and chronic disease expression go hand in hand (diabetes, hypertension, cancer..). ya got a 'Get out of jail card' bro, quick fix b grateful...change the habits that created that situation. dont go back , gl

Oct 31, 2004
I’m never a fan of altering your body to prevent yourself from not having self control .
I would consider that a last resort at best .
I have seen many horror stories of people who had that surgery

Better make sure you eat ultra tight with the limited amount of food intake that you have

Oct 16, 2008
I’m never a fan of altering your body to prevent yourself from not having self control .
I would consider that a last resort at best .
I have seen many horror stories of people who had that surgery

Better make sure you eat ultra tight with the limited amount of food intake that you have
I had shattered my right ankle playing football and fractured my left. Had plantar fasciitis in my feet and high blood pressure. I just couldnt get the ball rolling now in my mid 30s to do it all on my own again. Now im in the gym 5-6 times a week, eating much cleaner etc
May 4, 2005
Incredible man! Happy to hear your mom is doing much better. You look like you could be a fucking fitness trainer! Way to go!

Jul 14, 2007
You have no trepidation about such a major surgery at such a young age when the surgery is elective?

Obviously with all the injuries I'm sure it became frustrating and good luck with everything but you definitely don't hear of procedures like that pre 40 too often.

Just asking, obviously you don't mind discussing such a private matter if you posted it
Dec 11, 2006
I had shattered my right ankle playing football and fractured my left. Had plantar fasciitis in my feet and high blood pressure. I just couldnt get the ball rolling now in my mid 30s to do it all on my own again. Now im in the gym 5-6 times a week, eating much cleaner etc
All the best to you, man. Much respect here.

Oct 16, 2008
You have no trepidation about such a major surgery at such a young age when the surgery is elective?

Obviously with all the injuries I'm sure it became frustrating and good luck with everything but you definitely don't hear of procedures like that pre 40 too often.

Just asking, obviously you don't mind discussing such a private matter if you posted it
at 36when I had this, I wouldnt consider myself younger for this surgery. Probably right around the middle of the spectrum. Im in a mens bariatric group on facebook with about 10k members. Ive known 4-5 coworkers who have had some version of the surgeries. I was always a big kid. big in college, and big out of college. Just felt like my body was breaking down on me and after yo-yo'ing so many times. I wasnt in a physical and mental state to do it again on my own.

Jan 14, 2012
Good stuff. Is obesity hereditary in your family or do you take anti-depressants that contribute to weight gain. Don't mean to get too personal. It's not always poor dietary habits that lead to weight gain.

Oct 16, 2008
Good stuff. Is obesity hereditary in your family or do you take anti-depressants that contribute to weight gain. Don't mean to get too personal. It's not always poor dietary habits that lead to weight gain.
everyone in my immediate family is heavy set or has been multiple times in their life. i wouldnt say that is soley the reason, but i think it plays a small role to go along with the injuries, working over nights, working in a casino with bad foid options/ getting off at 4am when only drive throughs are open etc.

Just An Example Of What A Working Man Can Achieve
Nov 1, 2021
wow man, that'a an incredible weight loss. you look happier too.

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